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Source code for fatiando.gravmag.interactive

Interactivity functions and classes using matplotlib and IPython widgets

**Gravity forward modeling**

* :class:`~fatiando.gravmag.interactive.Moulder`: a matplitlib GUI for 2D
  forward modeling using polygons


from __future__ import division
import cPickle as pickle

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot, widgets, patches
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from IPython.core.pylabtools import print_figure
from IPython.display import Image

from .. import utils
from . import talwani
from ..mesher import Polygon

[docs]class Moulder(object): """ Interactive 2D forward modeling using polygons. A matplotlib GUI application. Allows drawing and manipulating polygons and computes their predicted data automatically. Also permits contaminating the data with gaussian pseudo-random error for producing synthetic data sets. Uses :mod:`fatiando.gravmag.talwani` for computations. *Moulder* objects can be persisted to Python pickle files using the :meth:`` method and later restored using :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.interactive.Moulder.load`. .. warning:: Cannot be used with ``%matplotlib inline`` on IPython notebooks because the app uses the matplotlib plot window. You can still embed the generated model and data figure on notebooks using the :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.interactive.Moulder.plot` method. Parameters: * area : list = (x1, x2, z1, z2) The limits of the model drawing area, in meters. * x, z : 1d-arrays The x- and z-coordinates of the computation points (places where predicted data will be computed). In meters. * data : None or 1d-array Observed data measured at *x* and *z*. Will plot this with black dots along the predicted data. * density_range : list = [min, max] The minimum and maximum values allowed for the density. Determines the limits of the density slider of the application. In kg.m^-3. Defaults to [-2000, 2000]. * kwargs : dict Other keyword arguments used to restore the state of the application. Used by the :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.interactive.Moulder.load` method. Not intended for general use. Examples: Make the Moulder object and start the app:: import numpy as np area = (0, 10e3, 0, 5e3) # Calculate on 100 points x = np.linspace(area[0], area[1], 100) z = np.zeros_like(x) app = Moulder(area, x, z) # This will pop-up a window with the application (like the screenshot # below). Start drawing (follow the instruction in the figure title). # When satisfied, close the window to resume execution. .. image:: ../_static/images/Moulder-screenshot.png :alt: Screenshot of the Moulder GUI After closing the plot window, you can access the model and data from the *Moulder* object:: app.model # The drawn model as fatiando.mesher.Polygon app.predicted # 1d-array with the data predicted by the model # You can save the predicted data to use later app.save_predicted('data.txt') # You can also save the application and resume it later'application.pkl') # Close this session/IPython notebook/etc. # To resume drawing later: app = Moulder.load('application.pkl') """ # The tolerance range for mouse clicks on vertices. In pixels. epsilon = 5 # App instructions printed in the figure suptitle instructions = ' | '.join([ 'n: New polygon', 'd: delete', 'click: select/move', 'esc: cancel']) def __init__(self, area, x, z, data=None, density_range=[-2000, 2000], **kwargs): self.area = area self.x, self.z = numpy.asarray(x), numpy.asarray(z) self.density_range = density_range = data # Used to set the ylims for the data axes. if data is None: self.dmin, self.dmax = 0, 0 else: self.dmin, self.dmax = data.min(), data.max() self.predicted = kwargs.get('predicted', numpy.zeros_like(x)) self.error = kwargs.get('error', 0) self.cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', self.line_args = dict( linewidth=2, linestyle='-', color='k', marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markersize=5, animated=False, alpha=0.6) self.polygons = [] self.lines = [] self.densities = kwargs.get('densities', []) vertices = kwargs.get('vertices', []) for xy, dens in zip(vertices, self.densities): poly, line = self._make_polygon(xy, dens) self.polygons.append(poly) self.lines.append(line)
[docs] def save_predicted(self, fname): """ Save the predicted data to a text file. Data will be saved in 3 columns separated by spaces: x z data Parameters: * fname : string or file-like object The name of the output file or an open file-like object. """ numpy.savetxt(fname, numpy.transpose([self.x, self.z, self.predicted]))
[docs] def save(self, fname): """ Save the application state into a pickle file. Use this to persist the application. You can later reload the entire object, with the drawn model and data, using the :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.interactive.Moulder.load` method. Parameters: * fname : string The name of the file to save the application. The extension doesn't matter (use ``.pkl`` if in doubt). """ with open(fname, 'w') as f: vertices = [numpy.asarray(p.xy) for p in self.polygons] state = dict(area=self.area, x=self.x, z=self.z,, density_range=self.density_range, cmap=self.cmap, predicted=self.predicted, vertices=vertices, densities=self.densities, error=self.error) pickle.dump(state, f)
[docs] def load(cls, fname): """ Restore an application from a pickle file. The pickle file should have been generated by the :meth:`` method. Parameters: * fname : string The name of the file. Returns: * app : Moulder object The restored application. You can continue using it as if nothing had happened. """ with open(fname) as f: state = pickle.load(f) app = cls(**state) return app
@property def model(self): """ The polygon model drawn as :class:`fatiando.mesher.Polygon` objects. """ m = [Polygon(p.xy, {'density': d}) for p, d in zip(self.polygons, self.densities)] return m
[docs] def run(self): """ Start the application for drawing. Will pop-up a window with a place for drawing the model (below) and a place with the predicted (and, optionally, observed) data (top). Follow the instruction on the figure title. When done, close the window to resume program execution. """ fig = self._figure_setup() # Sliders to control the density and the error in the data self.density_slider = widgets.Slider( fig.add_axes([0.10, 0.01, 0.30, 0.02]), 'Density', self.density_range[0], self.density_range[1], valinit=0., valfmt='%6.0f kg/m3') self.error_slider = widgets.Slider( fig.add_axes([0.60, 0.01, 0.30, 0.02]), 'Error', 0, 5, valinit=self.error, valfmt='%1.2f mGal') # Put instructions on figure title self.dataax.set_title(self.instructions) # Markers for mouse click events self._ivert = None self._ipoly = None self._lastevent = None self._drawing = False self._xy = [] self._drawing_plot = None # Used to blit the model plot and make # rendering faster self.background = None # Connect event callbacks self._connect() self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() self.canvas.draw()
def _connect(self): """ Connect the matplotlib events to their callback methods. """ # Make the proper callback connections self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._button_press_callback) self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._key_press_callback) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._button_release_callback) self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._mouse_move_callback) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self._draw_callback) # Call the cleanup and extra code for a draw event when resizing as # well. This is needed so that tight_layout adjusts the figure when # resized. Otherwise, tight_layout snaps only when the user clicks on # the figure to do something. self.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', self._draw_callback) self.density_slider.on_changed(self._set_density_callback) self.error_slider.on_changed(self._set_error_callback)
[docs] def plot(self, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=70): """ Make a plot of the data and model for embedding in IPython notebooks Doesn't require ``%matplotlib inline`` to embed the plot (as that would not allow the app to run). Parameters: * figsize : list = (width, height) The figure size in inches. * dpi : float The number of dots-per-inch for the figure resolution. """ fig = self._figure_setup(figsize=figsize, facecolor='white') self._update_data_plot() pyplot.close(fig) data = print_figure(fig, dpi=dpi) return Image(data=data)
def _figure_setup(self, **kwargs): """ Setup the plot figure with labels, titles, ticks, etc. Sets the *canvas*, *dataax*, *modelax*, *polygons* and *lines* attributes. Parameters: * kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to ``pyplot.subplots``. Returns: * fig : matplotlib figure object The created figure """ fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(2, 1, **kwargs) ax1, ax2 = axes self.predicted_line, = ax1.plot(self.x, self.predicted, '-r') if is not None: self.data_line, = ax1.plot(self.x,, '.k') ax1.set_ylabel('Gravity anomaly (mGal)') ax1.set_xlabel('x (m)', labelpad=-10) ax1.set_xlim(self.area[:2]) ax1.set_ylim((-200, 200)) ax1.grid(True) tmp = ax2.pcolor(numpy.array([self.density_range]), cmap=self.cmap) tmp.set_visible(False) pyplot.colorbar(tmp, orientation='horizontal', pad=0.08, aspect=80).set_label(r'Density (kg/cm3)') # Remake the polygons and lines to make sure they belong to the right # axis coordinates vertices = [p.xy for p in self.polygons] newpolygons, newlines = [], [] for xy, dens in zip(vertices, self.densities): poly, line = self._make_polygon(xy, dens) newpolygons.append(poly) newlines.append(line) ax2.add_patch(poly) ax2.add_line(line) self.polygons = newpolygons self.lines = newlines ax2.set_xlim(self.area[:2]) ax2.set_ylim(self.area[2:]) ax2.grid(True) ax2.invert_yaxis() ax2.set_ylabel('z (m)') fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.06, hspace=0.1) self.figure = fig self.canvas = fig.canvas self.dataax = axes[0] self.modelax = axes[1] fig.canvas.draw() return fig def _density2color(self, density): """ Map density values to colors using the given *cmap* attribute. Parameters: * density : 1d-array The density values of the model polygons Returns * colors : 1d-array The colors mapped to each density value (returned by a matplotlib colormap object. """ dmin, dmax = self.density_range return self.cmap((density - dmin)/(dmax - dmin)) def _make_polygon(self, vertices, density): """ Create a polygon for drawing. Polygons are matplitlib.patches.Polygon objects for the fill and matplotlib.lines.Line2D for the contour. Parameters: * vertices : list of [x, z] List of the [x, z] coordinate pairs of each vertex of the polygon * density : float The density of the polygon (used to set the color) Returns: * polygon, line The matplotlib Polygon and Line2D objects """ poly = patches.Polygon(vertices, animated=False, alpha=0.9, color=self._density2color(density)) x, y = zip(*poly.xy) line = Line2D(x, y, **self.line_args) return poly, line def _update_data(self): """ Recalculate the predicted data (optionally with random error) """ self.predicted = talwani.gz(self.x, self.z, self.model) if self.error > 0: self.predicted = utils.contaminate(self.predicted, self.error) def _update_data_plot(self): """ Update the predicted data plot in the *dataax*. Adjusts the xlim of the axes to fit the data. """ self.predicted_line.set_ydata(self.predicted) vmin = 1.2*min(self.predicted.min(), self.dmin) vmax = 1.2*max(self.predicted.max(), self.dmax) self.dataax.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) self.dataax.grid(True) self.canvas.draw() def _draw_callback(self, value): """ Callback for the canvas.draw() event. This is called everytime the figure is redrawn. Used to do some clean up and tunning whenever this is called as well, like calling ``tight_layout``. """ self.figure.tight_layout() def _set_error_callback(self, value): """ Callback when error slider is edited """ self.error = value self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() def _set_density_callback(self, value): """ Callback when density slider is edited """ if self._ipoly is not None: self.densities[self._ipoly] = value self.polygons[self._ipoly].set_color(self._density2color(value)) self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() self.canvas.draw() def _get_polygon_vertice_id(self, event): """ Find out which vertex of which polygon the event happened in. If the click was inside a polygon (not on a vertex), identify that polygon. Returns: * p, v : int, int p: the index of the polygon the event happened in or None if outside all polygons. v: the index of the polygon vertex that was clicked or None if the click was not on a vertex. """ distances = [] indices = [] for poly in self.polygons: x, y = poly.get_transform().transform(poly.xy).T d = numpy.sqrt((x - event.x)**2 + (y - event.y)**2) distances.append(d.min()) indices.append(numpy.argmin(d)) p = numpy.argmin(distances) if distances[p] >= self.epsilon: # Check if the event was inside a polygon x, y = event.x, event.y p, v = None, None for i, poly in enumerate(self.polygons): if poly.contains_point([x, y]): p = i break else: v = indices[p] last = len(self.polygons[p].xy) - 1 if v == 0 or v == last: v = [0, last] return p, v def _button_press_callback(self, event): """ What actions to perform when a mouse button is clicked """ if event.inaxes != self.modelax: return if event.button == 1 and not self._drawing and self.polygons: self._lastevent = event for line, poly in zip(self.lines, self.polygons): poly.set_animated(False) line.set_animated(False) line.set_color([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.canvas.draw() # Find out if a click happened on a vertice # and which vertice of which polygon self._ipoly, self._ivert = self._get_polygon_vertice_id(event) if self._ipoly is not None: self.density_slider.set_val(self.densities[self._ipoly]) self.polygons[self._ipoly].set_animated(True) self.lines[self._ipoly].set_animated(True) self.lines[self._ipoly].set_color([0, 1, 0, 0]) self.canvas.draw() self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.modelax.bbox) self.modelax.draw_artist(self.polygons[self._ipoly]) self.modelax.draw_artist(self.lines[self._ipoly]) self.canvas.blit(self.modelax.bbox) elif self._drawing: if event.button == 1: self._xy.append([event.xdata, event.ydata]) self._drawing_plot.set_data(zip(*self._xy)) self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.modelax.draw_artist(self._drawing_plot) self.canvas.blit(self.modelax.bbox) elif event.button == 3: if len(self._xy) >= 3: density = self.density_slider.val poly, line = self._make_polygon(self._xy, density) self.polygons.append(poly) self.lines.append(line) self.densities.append(density) self.modelax.add_patch(poly) self.modelax.add_line(line) self._drawing_plot.remove() self._drawing_plot = None self._xy = None self._drawing = False self._ipoly = len(self.polygons) - 1 self.lines[self._ipoly].set_color([0, 1, 0, 0]) self.dataax.set_title(self.instructions) self.canvas.draw() self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() def _button_release_callback(self, event): """ Reset place markers on mouse button release """ if event.inaxes != self.modelax: return if event.button != 1: return if self._ivert is None and self._ipoly is None: return self.background = None for line, poly in zip(self.lines, self.polygons): poly.set_animated(False) line.set_animated(False) self.canvas.draw() self._ivert = None # self._ipoly is only released when clicking outside # the polygons self._lastevent = None self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() def _key_press_callback(self, event): """ What to do when a key is pressed on the keyboard. """ if event.inaxes is None: return if event.key == 'd': if self._drawing and self._xy: self._xy.pop() if self._xy: self._drawing_plot.set_data(zip(*self._xy)) else: self._drawing_plot.set_data([], []) self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.modelax.draw_artist(self._drawing_plot) self.canvas.blit(self.modelax.bbox) elif self._ivert is not None: poly = self.polygons[self._ipoly] line = self.lines[self._ipoly] if len(poly.xy) > 4: verts = numpy.atleast_1d(self._ivert) poly.xy = numpy.array([xy for i, xy in enumerate(poly.xy) if i not in verts]) line.set_data(zip(*poly.xy)) self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.modelax.draw_artist(poly) self.modelax.draw_artist(line) self.canvas.blit(self.modelax.bbox) self._ivert = None elif self._ipoly is not None: self.polygons[self._ipoly].remove() self.lines[self._ipoly].remove() self.polygons.pop(self._ipoly) self.lines.pop(self._ipoly) self.densities.pop(self._ipoly) self._ipoly = None self.canvas.draw() self._update_data() self._update_data_plot() elif event.key == 'n': self._ivert = None self._ipoly = None for line, poly in zip(self.lines, self.polygons): poly.set_animated(False) line.set_animated(False) line.set_color([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.canvas.draw() self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.modelax.bbox) self._drawing = True self._xy = [] self._drawing_plot = Line2D([], [], **self.line_args) self._drawing_plot.set_animated(True) self.modelax.add_line(self._drawing_plot) self.dataax.set_title(' | '.join([ 'left click: set vertice', 'right click: finish', 'esc: cancel'])) self.canvas.draw() elif event.key == 'escape': self._drawing = False self._xy = [] if self._drawing_plot is not None: self._drawing_plot.remove() self._drawing_plot = None for line, poly in zip(self.lines, self.polygons): poly.set_animated(False) line.set_animated(False) line.set_color([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.canvas.draw() def _mouse_move_callback(self, event): """ Handle things when the mouse move. """ if event.inaxes != self.modelax: return if event.button != 1: return if self._ivert is None and self._ipoly is None: return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata p = self._ipoly v = self._ivert if self._ivert is not None: self.polygons[p].xy[v] = x, y else: dx = x - self._lastevent.xdata dy = y - self._lastevent.ydata self.polygons[p].xy[:, 0] += dx self.polygons[p].xy[:, 1] += dy self.lines[p].set_data(zip(*self.polygons[p].xy)) self._lastevent = event self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.modelax.draw_artist(self.polygons[p]) self.modelax.draw_artist(self.lines[p]) self.canvas.blit(self.modelax.bbox)