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Meshing: Generate a SquareMesh and get the physical properties from an imageΒΆ

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Meshing: Generate a SquareMesh and get the physical properties from an image
import urllib
from fatiando import mesher
from fatiando.vis import mpl

# Make a square mesh
mesh = mesher.SquareMesh((0, 5000, 0, 5000), (150, 150))
# Fetch the image from the online docs
    '', 'logo.png')
# Load the image as the P wave velocity (vp) property of the mesh
mesh.img2prop('logo.png', 5000, 10000, 'vp')

mpl.title('P wave velocity model of the Earth')
mpl.squaremesh(mesh, prop='vp')
cb = mpl.colorbar()
cb.set_label("Vp (km/s)")