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Optimization routines (fatiando.inversion.optimization)

Methods to optimize a given objective function.

All solvers are Python iterators. This means that should be used in a for loop, like so:

solver = newton(hess_func, grad_func, value_func, initial)
for i, p, stats in solver:
    ... do something or 'continue' to step through the iterations ...
    # 'p' is the current estimate for the parameter vector at the 'i'th
    # iteration.
    # 'stats' is a dictionary with some information about the optimization
    # process so far (number of attempted steps, value of objective
    # function per step, total number of iterations so far, etc).
# At the end, 'p' is the final estimate and 'stats' will contain the
# statistics for the whole iteration process.

Gradient descent

  • linear: Solver for a linear problem
  • newton: Newton’s method
  • levmarq: Levemberg-Marquardt algorithm
  • steepest: Steepest Descent method

Heuristic methods

  • acor: ACO-R: Ant Colony Optimization for Continuous Domains (Socha and Dorigo, 2008)


Socha, K., and M. Dorigo (2008), Ant colony optimization for continuous domains, European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3), 1155-1173, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2006.06.046.

fatiando.inversion.optimization.acor(value, bounds, nparams, nants=None, archive_size=None, maxit=1000, diverse=0.5, evap=0.85, seed=None)[source]

Minimize the objective function using ACO-R.

ACO-R stands for Ant Colony Optimization for Continuous Domains (Socha and Dorigo, 2008).


  • value
    : function

    Returns the value of the objective function at a given parameter vector

  • bounds
    : list

    The bounds of the search space. If only two values are given, will interpret as the minimum and maximum, respectively, for all parameters. Alternatively, you can given a minimum and maximum for each parameter, e.g., for a problem with 3 parameters you could give bounds = [min1, max1, min2, max2, min3, max3].

  • nparams
    : int

    The number of parameters that the objective function takes.

  • nants
    : int

    The number of ants to use in the search. Defaults to the number of parameters.

  • archive_size
    : int

    The number of solutions to keep in the solution archive. Defaults to 10 x nants

  • maxit
    : int

    The number of iterations to run.

  • diverse
    : float

    Scalar from 0 to 1, non-inclusive, that controls how much better solutions are favored when constructing new ones.

  • evap
    : float

    The pheromone evaporation rate (evap > 0). Controls how spread out the search is.

  • seed
    : None or int

    Seed for the random number generator.


  • i, estimate, stats:
    • i
      : int

      The current iteration number

    • estimate
      : 1d-array

      The current best estimated parameter vector

    • stats
      : dict

      Statistics about the optimization so far. Keys:

      • method
        : stf

        The name of the optimization algorithm

      • iterations
        : int

        The total number of iterations so far

      • objective
        : list

        Value of the objective function corresponding to the best estimate per iteration.

fatiando.inversion.optimization.levmarq(hessian, gradient, value, initial, maxit=30, maxsteps=20, lamb=10, dlamb=2, tol=1e-05, precondition=True)[source]

Minimize an objective function using the Levemberg-Marquardt algorithm.


  • hessian
    : function

    A function that returns the Hessian matrix of the objective function when given a parameter vector.

  • gradient
    : function

    A function that returns the gradient vector of the objective function when given a parameter vector.

  • value
    : function

    A function that returns the value of the objective function evaluated at a given parameter vector.

  • initial
    : 1d-array

    The initial estimate for the gradient descent.

  • maxit
    : int

    The maximum number of iterations allowed.

  • maxsteps
    : int

    The maximum number of times to try to take a step before giving up.

  • lamb
    : float

    Initial amount of step regularization. The larger this is, the more the algorithm will resemble Steepest Descent in the initial iterations.

  • dlamb
    : float

    Factor by which lamb is divided or multiplied when taking steps.

  • tol
    : float

    The convergence criterion. The lower it is, the more steps are permitted.

  • precondition
    : True or False

    If True, will use Jacobi preconditioning.


  • i, estimate, stats:
    • i
      : int

      The current iteration number

    • estimate
      : 1d-array

      The current estimated parameter vector

    • stats
      : dict

      Statistics about the optimization so far. Keys:

      • method
        : str

        The name of the optimization method

      • iterations
        : int

        The total number of iterations so far

      • objective
        : list

        Value of the objective function per iteration. First value corresponds to the inital estimate

      • step_attempts
        : list

        Number of attempts at taking a step per iteration. First number is zero, reflecting the initial estimate.

fatiando.inversion.optimization.linear(hessian, gradient, precondition=True)[source]

Find the parameter vector that minimizes a linear objective function.

The parameter vector \(\bar{p}\) that minimizes this objective function \(\phi\) is the one that solves the linear system

\[\bar{\bar{H}} \bar{p} = -\bar{g}\]

where \(\bar{\bar{H}}\) is the Hessian matrix of \(\phi\) and \(\bar{g}\) is the gradient vector of \(\phi\).


  • hessian
    : 2d-array

    The Hessian matrix of the objective function.

  • gradient
    : 1d-array

    The gradient vector of the objective function.

  • precondition
    : True or False

    If True, will use Jacobi preconditioning.


  • i, estimate, stats:
    • i
      : int

      The current iteration number

    • estimate
      : 1d-array

      The current estimated parameter vector

    • stats
      : dict

      Statistics about the optimization so far

Linear solvers have only a single step, so i will be 0 and stats will only have the method name.

fatiando.inversion.optimization.newton(hessian, gradient, value, initial, maxit=30, tol=1e-05, precondition=True)[source]

Minimize an objective function using Newton’s method.

Newton’s method searches for the minimum of an objective function \(\phi(\bar{p})\) by successively incrementing the initial estimate. The increment is the solution of the linear system

\[\bar{\bar{H}}(\bar{p}^k) \bar{\Delta p}^k = -\bar{g}(\bar{p}^k)\]

where \(\bar{\bar{H}}\) is the Hessian matrix of \(\phi\) and \(\bar{g}\) is the gradient vector of \(\phi\). Both are evaluated at the previous estimate \(\bar{p}^k\).


  • hessian
    : function

    A function that returns the Hessian matrix of the objective function when given a parameter vector.

  • gradient
    : function

    A function that returns the gradient vector of the objective function when given a parameter vector.

  • value
    : function

    A function that returns the value of the objective function evaluated at a given parameter vector.

  • initial
    : 1d-array

    The initial estimate for the gradient descent.

  • maxit
    : int

    The maximum number of iterations allowed.

  • tol
    : float

    The convergence criterion. The lower it is, the more steps are permitted.

  • precondition
    : True or False

    If True, will use Jacobi preconditioning.



  • i, estimate, stats:
    • i
      : int

      The current iteration number

    • estimate
      : 1d-array

      The current estimated parameter vector

    • stats
      : dict

      Statistics about the optimization so far. Keys:

      • method
        : str

        The name of the optimization method

      • iterations
        : int

        The total number of iterations so far

      • objective
        : list

        Value of the objective function per iteration. First value corresponds to the inital estimate

fatiando.inversion.optimization.steepest(gradient, value, initial, maxit=1000, linesearch=True, maxsteps=30, beta=0.1, tol=1e-05)[source]

Minimize an objective function using the Steepest Descent method.

The increment to the initial estimate of the parameter vector \(\bar{p}\) is calculated by (Kelley, 1999)

\[\Delta\bar{p} = -\lambda\bar{g}\]

where \(\lambda\) is the step size and \(\bar{g}\) is the gradient vector.

The step size can be determined thought a line search algorithm using the Armijo rule (Kelley, 1999). In this case,

\[\lambda = \beta^m\]

where \(1 > \beta > 0\) and \(m \ge 0\) is an integer that controls the step size. The line search finds the smallest \(m\) that satisfies the Armijo rule

\[\phi(\bar{p} + \Delta\bar{p}) - \Gamma(\bar{p}) < \alpha\beta^m ||\bar{g}(\bar{p})||^2\]

where \(\phi(\bar{p})\) is the objective function evaluated at \(\bar{p}\) and \(\alpha = 10^{-4}\).


  • gradient
    : function

    A function that returns the gradient vector of the objective function when given a parameter vector.

  • value
    : function

    A function that returns the value of the objective function evaluated at a given parameter vector.

  • initial
    : 1d-array

    The initial estimate for the gradient descent.

  • maxit
    : int

    The maximum number of iterations allowed.

  • linesearch
    : True or False

    Whether or not to perform the line search to determine an optimal step size.

  • maxsteps
    : int

    The maximum number of times to try to take a step before giving up.

  • beta
    : float

    The base factor used to determine the step size in line search algorithm. Must be 1 > beta > 0.

  • tol
    : float

    The convergence criterion. The lower it is, the more steps are permitted.


  • i, estimate, stats:
    • i
      : int

      The current iteration number

    • estimate
      : 1d-array

      The current estimated parameter vector

    • stats
      : dict

      Statistics about the optimization so far. Keys:

      • method
        : stf

        The name of the optimization algorithm

      • iterations
        : int

        The total number of iterations so far

      • objective
        : list

        Value of the objective function per iteration. First value corresponds to the inital estimate

      • step_attempts
        : list

        Number of attempts at taking a step per iteration. First number is zero, reflecting the initial estimate. Will be empty if linesearch==False.


Kelley, C. T., 1999, Iterative methods for optimization: Raleigh: SIAM.