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Source code for fatiando.seismic.srtomo

Straight-ray 2D travel-time tomography (i.e., does not consider reflection or


* :class:`~fatiando.seismic.srtomo.SRTomo`: Data misfit class that runs the


* :func:`~fatiando.seismic.srtomo.slowness2vel`: Safely convert slowness to
  velocity (avoids zero division)

from __future__ import division
from future.builtins import super
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

from ..inversion import Misfit
from ..utils import safe_dot
from . import ttime2d

[docs]class SRTomo(Misfit): """ 2D travel-time straight-ray tomography. Use the :meth:`` method to run the tomography and produce a velocity estimate. The estimate is stored in the ``estimate_`` attribute. Generaly requires regularization, like :class:`~fatiando.inversion.regularization.Damping` or :class:`~fatiando.inversion.regularization.Smoothness2D`. Parameters: * ttimes : array Array with the travel-times of the straight seismic rays. * srcs : list of lists List of the [x, y] positions of the sources. * recs : list of lists List of the [x, y] positions of the receivers. * mesh : :class:`~fatiando.mesher.SquareMesh` or compatible The mesh where the inversion (tomography) will take place. The ith travel-time is the time between the ith element in *srcs* and the ith element in *recs*. """ def __init__(self, ttimes, srcs, recs, mesh): super().__init__(data=ttimes, nparams=mesh.size, islinear=True) self.srcs = srcs self.recs = recs self.mesh = mesh
[docs] def jacobian(self, p): """ Build the Jacobian (sensitivity) matrix. The matrix will contain the length of the path takes by the ray inside each cell of the mesh. Parameters: * p : 1d-array An estimate of the parameter vector or ``None``. Returns: * jac : 2d-array (sparse CSR matrix from ``scipy.sparse``) The Jacobian """ srcs, recs = self.srcs, self.recs i, j, v = [], [], [] for k, c in enumerate(self.mesh): column = ttime2d.straight([c], '', srcs, recs, velocity=1.) nonzero = np.flatnonzero(column) i.extend(nonzero) j.extend(k*np.ones_like(nonzero)) v.extend(column[nonzero]) shape = (self.ndata, self.nparams) return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((v, (i, j)), shape).tocsr()
[docs] def predicted(self, p): """ Calculate the travel time data predicted by a parameter vector. Parameters: * p : 1d-array An estimate of the parameter vector Returns: * pred : 1d-array The predicted travel time data. """ pred = safe_dot(self.jacobian(p), p) return pred
[docs] def fmt_estimate(self, p): """ Convert the estimated slowness to velocity. """ return slowness2vel(self.p_, tol=10**-8)
[docs]def slowness2vel(slowness, tol=10 ** (-8)): """ Safely convert slowness to velocity. Almost 0 slowness is mapped to 0 velocity. Parameters: * slowness : array The slowness values * tol : float Slowness < tol will be set to 0 velocity Returns: * velocity : array The converted velocities Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> slow = np.array([1, 2, 0.000001, 4]) >>> slowness2vel(slow, tol=0.00001) array([ 1. , 0.5 , 0. , 0.25]) """ velocity = np.array(slowness) velocity[slowness < tol] = 0 divide = slowness >= tol velocity[divide] = 1. / slowness[divide] return velocity