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Source code for fatiando.seismic.profile

Forward modeling and inversion of vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data.

In this kind of profiling, the wave source is located at the surface on top of
the well. The seismic waves are then measured at different depths along the

**Forward modeling**

* :func:`~fatiando.seismic.profile.layered_straight_ray`: Computes straight-ray
  first-arrival travel-times for a layered model.


* :class:`~fatiando.seismic.profile.LayeredStraight`: Inverts for the
  slownesses of a layered model assuming straight ray paths.


from __future__ import division
from future.builtins import super
import numpy as np

from . import ttime2d
from .srtomo import slowness2vel
from .. import utils
from ..mesher import Square
from ..inversion import Misfit

[docs]def layered_straight_ray(thickness, velocity, zp): """ Calculates straight-ray (no refraction) travel-times in a layered model. The source is assumed to be at z = 0 and on the well. The z-axis is positive downward. Parameters: * thickness : list The thickness of each layer in order of increasing depth * velocity : list The velocity of each layer in order of increasing depth * zp : list The depths of the measurement stations (seismometers) Returns: * travel_times : array The first-arrival travel-times calculated at the measurement stations. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> # Make a 4 layer model >>> thicks = [10, 20, 10, 30] >>> vels = [2, 4, 10, 5] >>> # Set the recording depths >>> zs = [10, 30, 40, 70] >>> # Calculate the travel-times from a surface source >>> tt = layered_straight_ray(thicks, vels, zs) >>> tt array([ 5., 10., 11., 17.]) """ if len(thickness) != len(velocity): raise ValueError("thickness and velocity must have same length") nlayers = len(thickness) zmax = sum(thickness) z = [sum(thickness[:i]) for i in xrange(nlayers + 1)] layers = [Square((0, zmax, z[i], z[i + 1]), props={'vp': velocity[i]}) for i in xrange(nlayers)] srcs = [(0, 0)] * len(zp) recs = [(0, z) for z in zp] return ttime2d.straight(layers, 'vp', srcs, recs)
[docs]class LayeredStraight(Misfit): r""" Inversion of straight-ray travel-times for the velocity of a layered medium Assumes that the source is at the top of the well and that rays follow a straight path (no reflection or refraction). Also assumes known thicknesses (may be a fine discretization if real thickness is not known). Actually solves for the slowness (1/velocity) so that the problem becomes linear and more manageable. Use the ``estimate_`` attribute to get the estimated velocities. Slowness with stored in the estimated parameter vector ``p_``. Uses :func:`fatiando.seismic.ttime2d.straight` for forward modeling. .. note:: In most cases requires regularization. The recommended types are :class:`~fatiando.inversion.regularization.Damping` and :class:`~fatiando.inversion.regularization.Smoothness1D`. Parameters: * traveltimes : list The first-arrival travel-times calculated at the measurement stations * zp : list The depths of the measurement stations (seismometers) * thickness : list The thickness of each layer in order of increasing depth Notes: The ith travel-time :math:`t_i` measured at depth :math:`z_i` is a function of the wave velocity :math:`v_j` and distance :math:`d_{ij}` that it traveled in each layer .. math:: t_i(z_i) = \sum\limits_{j=1}^M \frac{d_{ij}}{v_j} The distance :math:`d_{ij}` is smaller or equal to the thickness of the layer :math:`s_j`. Notice that :math:`d_{ij} = 0` if the jth layer is below :math:`z_i`, :math:`d_{ij} = s_j` if the jth layer is above :math:`z_i`, and :math:`d_{ij} < s_j` if :math:`z_i` is inside the jth layer. To make :math:`t_i` linear with respect to :math:`v_j`, we can use the *slowness* :math:`w_j = 1/v_j` instead of velocity .. math:: t_i(z_i) = \sum\limits_{j=1}^M d_{ij} w_j Thus, the parameters we want to estimate in this inversion are the slownesses of each layer. From the above equation, we can see that the element :math:`G_{ij}` of the Jacobian (sensitivity) matrix is given by .. math:: G_{ij} = d_{ij} Examples: Using some synthetic data produced by :func:`~fatiando.seismic.profile.layered_straight_ray` and assuming that the thickness of the layers is known: >>> import numpy as np >>> # Make a 4 layer model >>> thicks = [10, 20, 10, 30] >>> vels = [2, 4, 10, 8] >>> # Set the recording stations >>> zp = range(1, sum(thicks), 5) >>> # Calculate the travel-times >>> tts = layered_straight_ray(thicks, vels, zp) >>> # Solve for the slowness assuming known thicknesses >>> solver = LayeredStraight(tts, zp, thicks).fit() >>> # The estimated velocities >>> solver.estimate_ array([ 2., 4., 10., 8.]) >>> # and the corresponding slownesses >>> solver.p_ array([ 0.5 , 0.25 , 0.1 , 0.125]) >>> # Check the fit >>> np.all(np.abs(solver.residuals()) < 10**-10) True See the :ref:`Cookbook <cookbook>` for more complex examples that use regularization and unknown thicknesses. """ def __init__(self, traveltimes, zp, thickness): super().__init__(data=traveltimes, nparams=len(thickness), islinear=True) self.zp = zp self.thickness = thickness def predicted(self, p): return layered_straight_ray(self.thickness, 1/p, self.zp) def jacobian(self, p): thicks = self.thickness nlayers = len(thicks) zmax = np.sum(thicks) z = [np.sum(thicks[:i]) for i in xrange(nlayers + 1)] layers = [Square((0, zmax, z[i], z[i + 1]), props={'vp': 1.}) for i in xrange(nlayers)] srcs = [(0, 0)]*self.ndata recs = np.transpose([np.zeros(self.ndata), self.zp]) jac = np.empty((self.ndata, self.nparams)) for i, l in enumerate(layers): jac[:, i] = ttime2d.straight([l], 'vp', srcs, recs) return jac
[docs] def fmt_estimate(self, p): """ Convert the estimated slowness to velocity. """ return slowness2vel(self.p_, tol=10**-10)