Zero-offset convolutional seismic modeling
Give a depth model and obtain a seismic zero-offset convolutional gather. You
can give the wavelet, if you already have, or use one of the existing, from
which we advise ricker wavelet (rickerwave function).
* :func:`~fatiando.seismic.conv.convolutional_model`: given the reflectivity
series and wavelet, it returns the convolutional seismic gather.
* :func:`~fatiando.seismic.conv.reflectivity`: calculates the reflectivity
series from the velocity model (and density model if present).
* :func:`~fatiando.seismic.conv.depth_2_time`: convert depth property model to
the model in time.
* :func:`~fatiando.seismic.conv.rickerwave`: calculates a ricker wavelet.
Yilmaz, Oz,
Ch.2 Deconvolution. In: YILMAZ, Oz. Seismic Data Analysis: Processing,
Inversion, and Interpretation of Seismic Data. Tulsa: Seg, 2001. Cap. 2.
p. 159-270. Available at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/1.9781560801580.ch2>
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate # linear interpolation of velocity/density
[docs]def convolutional_model(rc, f, wavelet, dt):
Calculate convolutional seismogram for a geological model
Calculate the synthetic convolutional seismogram of a geological model, Vp
is mandatory while density is optional. The given model in a matrix form is
considered a mesh of square cells.
.. warning::
Since the relative difference between the model is the important, being
consistent with the units chosen for the parameters is the only
requirement, whatever the units.
* rc : 2D-array
Reflectivity values in the time domain.
* f : float
Dominant frequency of the ricker wavelet.
* wavelet : float
The function to consider as source in the seismic modelling.
* dt: float
Sample time of the ricker wavelet and of the resulting seismogram, in
general a value of 2.e-3 is used.
* synth_l : 2D-array
Resulting seismogram.
w = wavelet(f, dt)
# convolution
synth_l = np.zeros(np.shape(rc))
for j in range(0, rc.shape[1]):
if np.shape(rc)[0] >= len(w):
synth_l[:, j] = np.convolve(rc[:, j], w, mode='same')
aux = np.floor(len(w)/2.)
synth_l[:, j] = np.convolve(rc[:, j], w, mode='full')[aux:-aux]
return synth_l
[docs]def reflectivity(model_t, rho):
Calculate reflectivity series in the time domain, so it is necessary to use
the function depth_2_time first if the model is in depth domain. Note this
this function can also be used to one dimensional array.
* model_t : 2D-array
Velocity values in time domain.
* rho : 2D-array (optional)
Density values for all the model, in time domain.
* rc : 2D-array
Calculated reflectivity series for all the model given.
err_message = "Velocity and density matrix must have the same dimension."
assert model_t.shape == rho.shape, err_message
rc = np.zeros(np.shape(model_t))
rc[1:, :] = ((model_t[1:]*rho[1:]-model_t[:-1]*rho[:-1]) /
return rc
[docs]def depth_2_time(vel, model, dt, dz):
Convert depth property model to time model.
* vel : 2D-array
Velocity values in the depth domain.
* model : 2D-array
Model values in the depth domain.
* dt: float
Sample time of the ricker wavelet and of the resulting seismogram, in
general a value of 2.e-3 is used.
* dz : float
Length of square grid cells.
* rho : 2D-array (optional)
Density values for all the model, in depth domain.
* model_t : 2D-array
Property model in time domain.
err_message = "Velocity and model matrix must have the same dimension."
assert vel.shape == model.shape, err_message
# downsampled time rate to make a better interpolation
n_samples, n_traces = [vel.shape[0], vel.shape[1]]
dt_dwn = dt/10.
if dt_dwn > dz/np.max(vel):
dt_dwn = (dz/np.max(vel))/10.
TWT = np.zeros((n_samples, n_traces))
TWT[0, :] = 2*dz/vel[0, :]
for j in range(1, n_samples):
TWT[j, :] = TWT[j-1]+2*dz/vel[j, :]
TMAX = max(TWT[-1, :])
TMIN = min(TWT[0, :])
TWT_rs = np.zeros(np.ceil(TMAX/dt_dwn))
for j in range(1, len(TWT_rs)):
TWT_rs[j] = TWT_rs[j-1]+dt_dwn
resmpl = int(dt/dt_dwn)
model_t = _resampling(model, TMAX, TWT, TWT_rs, dt, dt_dwn, n_traces)
return model_t
def _resampling(model, TMAX, TWT, TWT_rs, dt, dt_dwn, n_traces):
Resamples the input data to adjust it after time conversion with the chosen
time sample rate, dt.
* vel_l : 2D-array
Resampled input data.
vel = np.ones((np.ceil(TMAX/dt_dwn), n_traces))
for j in range(0, n_traces):
kk = np.ceil(TWT[0, j]/dt_dwn)
lim = np.ceil(TWT[-1, j]/dt_dwn)-1
# necessary do before resampling to have values in all points of time model
tck = interpolate.interp1d(TWT[:, j], model[:, j])
vel[kk:lim, j] = tck(TWT_rs[kk:lim])
# the model is extended in time because of depth time conversion
vel[lim:, j] = vel[lim-1, j]
# because of time conversion, the values between 0 e kk need to be filed
vel[0:kk, j] = model[0, j]
# resampling from dt_dwn to dt
vel_l = np.zeros((np.ceil(TMAX/dt), n_traces))
resmpl = int(dt/dt_dwn)
vel_l[0, :] = vel[0, :]
for j in range(0, n_traces):
for jj in range(1, int(np.ceil(TMAX/dt))):
vel_l[jj, j] = vel[resmpl*jj, j]
return vel_l
[docs]def rickerwave(f, dt):
Given a frequency and time sampling rate, outputs ricker function. The
length of the function varies according to f and dt, in order for the
ricker function starts and ends as zero. It is also considered that the
functions is causal, what means it starts at time zero. To satisfy sampling
and stability:
.. math::
f << \frac{1}{2 dt}.
Here, we consider this as:
.. math::
f < 0.2 \frac{1}{2 dt}.
* f : float
dominant frequency value in Hz
* dt : float
time sampling rate in seconds (usually it is in the order of ms)
* ricker : float
Ricker function for the given parameters.
assert f < 0.2*(1./(2.*dt)), "Frequency too high for the dt chosen."
nw = 2.2/f/dt
nw = 2*np.floor(nw/2)+1
nc = np.floor(nw/2)
ricker = np.zeros(nw)
k = np.arange(1, nw+1)
alpha = (nc-k+1)*f*dt*np.pi
beta = alpha**2
ricker = (1.-beta*2)*np.exp(-beta)
return ricker