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Source code for fatiando.gravmag.tesseroid

Forward model the gravitational fields of a tesseroid (spherical prism).

Functions in this module calculate the gravitational fields of a tesseroid with
respect to the local North-oriented coordinate system of the computation point.
See the figure below.

.. raw:: html

    <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">
    <div class="col-md-6">

.. figure:: ../_static/images/tesseroid-coord-sys.png
    :alt: A tesseroid in a geocentric coordinate system
    :width: 100%
    :align: center

    A tesseroid in a geocentric coordinate system (X, Y, Z). Point P is a
    computation point with associated local North-oriented coordinate system
    (x, y, z).
    Image by L. Uieda (doi:`10.6084/m9.figshare.1495525

.. raw:: html

    <div class="col-md-3">

.. admonition:: Coordinate systems

    The gravitational attraction
    and gravity gradient tensor
    are calculated with respect to
    the local coordinate system of the computation point.
    This system has **x -> North**, **y -> East**, **z -> up**
    (radial direction).

.. warning:: The :math:`g_z` component is an **exception** to this.
    In order to conform with the regular convention
    of z-axis pointing toward the center of the Earth,
    **this component only** is calculated with **z -> Down**.
    This way, gravity anomalies of
    tesseroids with positive density
    are positive, not negative.


Forward modeling of gravitational fields is performed by functions:


The fields are calculated using Gauss-Legendre Quadrature integration and the
adaptive discretization algorithm of Uieda et al. (2016). The accuracy of the
integration is controlled by the ``ratio`` argument. Larger values cause finer
discretization and more accuracy but slower computation times. The defaults
values are the ones suggested in the paper and guarantee an accuracy of
approximately 0.1%.

.. warning::

    The integration error may be larger than this if the computation
    points are closer than 1 km of the tesseroids. This effect is more
    significant in the gravity gradient components.


Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling
gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48,


from __future__ import division
import multiprocessing
import warnings

import numpy as np
from . import _tesseroid_numba
from ..constants import SI2MGAL, SI2EOTVOS, MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, G
from .._our_duecredit import due, Doi, BibTeX

         description='Gravity forward modeling with tesseroids',
RATIO_G = 1.6

def _check_input(lon, lat, height, model, ratio, njobs, pool):
    Check if the inputs are as expected and generate the output array.


    * results : 1d-array, zero filled

    assert lon.shape == lat.shape == height.shape, \
        "Input coordinate arrays must have same shape"
    assert ratio > 0, "Invalid ratio {}. Must be > 0.".format(ratio)
    assert njobs > 0, "Invalid number of jobs {}. Must be > 0.".format(njobs)
    if njobs == 1:
        assert pool is None, "njobs should be number of processes in the pool"
    result = np.zeros_like(lon)
    return result

def _convert_coords(lon, lat, height):
    Convert angles to radians and heights to radius.

    Pre-compute the sine and cosine of latitude because that is what we need
    from it.
    # Convert things to radians
    lon = np.radians(lon)
    lat = np.radians(lat)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    # Transform the heights into radius
    radius = MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS + height
    return lon, sinlat, coslat, radius

def _check_tesseroid(tesseroid, dens):
    Check if the tesseroid is valid and get the right density to use.

    Returns None if the tesseroid should be ignored. Else, return the density
    that should be used.
    if tesseroid is None:
        return None
    if 'density' not in tesseroid.props and dens is None:
        return None
    w, e, s, n, top, bottom = tesseroid.get_bounds()
    # Check if the dimensions given are valid
    assert w <= e and s <= n and top >= bottom, \
        "Invalid tesseroid dimensions {}".format(tesseroid.get_bounds())
    # Check if the tesseroid has volume > 0
    if (e - w <= 1e-6) or (n - s <= 1e-6) or (top - bottom <= 1e-3):
        msg = ("Encountered tesseroid with dimensions smaller than the "
               + "numerical threshold (1e-6 degrees or 1e-3 m). "
               + "Ignoring this tesseroid.")
        warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
        return None
    if dens is not None:
        density = dens
        density = tesseroid.props['density']
    return density

def _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, **kwargs):
    Dispatch the computation of *field* to the appropriate function.


    * result : 1d-array

    njobs = kwargs.get('njobs', 1)
    pool = kwargs.get('pool', None)
    dens = kwargs['dens']
    ratio = kwargs['ratio']
    result = _check_input(lon, lat, height, model, ratio, njobs, pool)
    if njobs > 1 and pool is None:
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(njobs)
        created_pool = True
        created_pool = False
    if pool is None:
        _forward_model([lon, lat, height, result, model, dens, ratio,
        chunks = _split_arrays(arrays=[lon, lat, height, result],
                               extra_args=[model, dens, ratio, field],
        result = np.hstack(, chunks))
    if created_pool:
    return result

def _forward_model(args):
    Run the computations on the model for a given list of arguments.

    This is used because can only use functions that
    receive a single argument.

    Arguments should be, in order:

    lon, lat, height, result, model, dens, ratio, field
    lon, lat, height, result, model, dens, ratio, field = args
    lon, sinlat, coslat, radius = _convert_coords(lon, lat, height)
    func = getattr(_tesseroid_numba, field)
    warning_msg = (
        "Stopped dividing a tesseroid because it's dimensions would be below "
        + "the minimum numerical threshold (1e-6 degrees or 1e-3 m). "
        + "Will compute without division. Cannot guarantee the accuracy of "
        + "the solution.")
    # Arrays needed by the kernel. Can't allocate them inside the kernel
    # because numba doesn't like that.
    stack = np.empty((STACK_SIZE, 6), dtype='float')
    lonc = np.empty(2, dtype='float')
    sinlatc = np.empty(2, dtype='float')
    coslatc = np.empty(2, dtype='float')
    rc = np.empty(2)
    for tesseroid in model:
        density = _check_tesseroid(tesseroid, dens)
        if density is None:
        bounds = np.array(tesseroid.get_bounds())
        error = func(lon, sinlat, coslat, radius, bounds, density, ratio,
                     stack, lonc, sinlatc, coslatc, rc, result)
        if error != 0:
            warnings.warn(warning_msg, RuntimeWarning)
    return result

def _split_arrays(arrays, extra_args, nparts):
    Split the coordinate arrays into nparts. Add extra_args to each part.


    >>> chunks = _split_arrays([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]], ['meh'], 3)
    >>> chunks[0]
    [[1, 2], 'meh']
    >>> chunks[1]
    [[3, 4], 'meh']
    >>> chunks[2]
    [[5, 6], 'meh']

    size = len(arrays[0])
    n = size//nparts
    strides = [(i*n, (i + 1)*n) for i in xrange(nparts - 1)]
    strides.append((strides[-1][-1], size))
    chunks = [[x[low:high] for x in arrays] + extra_args
              for low, high in strides]
    return chunks

[docs]def potential(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_V, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the gravitational potential due to a tesseroid model. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in SI units References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'potential' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= G return result
[docs]def gx(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_G, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the North component of the gravitational attraction. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in mGal References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gx' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2MGAL*G return result
[docs]def gy(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_G, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the East component of the gravitational attraction. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in mGal References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gy' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2MGAL*G return result
[docs]def gz(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_G, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the radial component of the gravitational attraction. .. warning:: In order to conform with the regular convention of positive density giving positive gz values, **this component only** is calculated with **z axis -> Down**. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in mGal References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gz' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2MGAL*G return result
[docs]def gxx(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_GG, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the xx component of the gravity gradient tensor. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in Eotvos References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gxx' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2EOTVOS*G return result
[docs]def gxy(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_GG, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the xy component of the gravity gradient tensor. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in Eotvos References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gxy' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2EOTVOS*G return result
[docs]def gxz(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_GG, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the xz component of the gravity gradient tensor. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in Eotvos References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gxz' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2EOTVOS*G return result
[docs]def gyy(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_GG, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the yy component of the gravity gradient tensor. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in Eotvos References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gyy' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2EOTVOS*G return result
[docs]def gyz(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_GG, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the yz component of the gravity gradient tensor. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in Eotvos References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gyz' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2EOTVOS*G return result
[docs]def gzz(lon, lat, height, model, dens=None, ratio=RATIO_GG, njobs=1, pool=None): """ Calculate the zz component of the gravity gradient tensor. .. warning:: Tesseroids with dimensions < 10 cm will be ignored to avoid numerical errors. Implements the method of Uieda et al. (2016). Parameters: * lon, lat, height : arrays Arrays with the longitude, latitude and height coordinates of the computation points. * model : list of :class:`~fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The density model used to calculate the gravitational effect. Tesseroids must have the property ``'density'``. Those that don't have this property will be ignored in the computations. Elements that are None will also be ignored. * dens : float or None If not None, will use this value instead of the ``'density'`` property of the tesseroids. Use this, e.g., for sensitivity matrix building. * ratio : float Will divide each tesseroid until the distance between it and the computation points is < ratio*size of tesseroid. Used to guarantee the accuracy of the numerical integration. * njobs : int Split the computation into *njobs* parts and run it in parallel using ``multiprocessing``. If ``njobs=1`` will run the computation in serial. * pool : None or multiprocessing.Pool object If not None, will use this pool to run the computation in parallel instead of creating a new one. You must still specify *njobs* as the number of processes in the pool. Use this to avoid spawning processes on each call to this functions, which can have significant overhead. Returns: * res : array The calculated field in Eotvos References: Uieda, L., V. Barbosa, and C. Braitenberg (2016), Tesseroids: Forward-modeling gravitational fields in spherical coordinates, Geophysics, F41-F48, doi:10.1190/geo2015-0204.1 """ field = 'gzz' result = _dispatcher(field, lon, lat, height, model, dens=dens, ratio=ratio, njobs=njobs, pool=pool) result *= SI2EOTVOS*G return result