# coding: utf-8
Euler deconvolution methods for potential fields.
* :class:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconv`: The classic 3D solution to
Euler's equation for potential fields (Reid et al., 1990). Runs on the whole
* :class:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconvEW`: Run Euler deconvolution on an
expanding window over the data set and keep the best estimate.
* :class:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconvMW`: Run Euler deconvolution on a
moving window over the data set to produce a set of estimates.
Reid, A. B., J. M. Allsop, H. Granser, A. J. Millett, and I. W. Somerton
(1990), Magnetic interpretation in three dimensions using Euler deconvolution,
Geophysics, 55(1), 80-91, doi:10.1190/1.1442774.
from __future__ import division
from future.builtins import super
import numpy as np
from .. import gridder
from ..inversion import Misfit
from ..utils import safe_inverse, safe_dot, safe_diagonal
[docs]class EulerDeconv(Misfit):
Classic 3D Euler deconvolution of potential field data.
Follows the formulation of Reid et al. (1990). Performs the deconvolution
on the whole data set. For windowed approaches, use
:class:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconvMW` (moving window)
:class:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconvEW` (expanding window).
Works on any potential field that satisfies Euler's homogeneity equation
(both gravity and magnetic, assuming simple sources):
.. math::
(x_i - x_0)\dfrac{\partial f_i}{\partial x} +
(y_i - y_0)\dfrac{\partial f_i}{\partial y} +
(z_i - z_0)\dfrac{\partial f_i}{\partial z} =
\eta (b - f_i),
in which :math:`f_i` is the given potential field observation at point
:math:`(x_i, y_i, z_i)`, :math:`b` is the base level (a constant shift of
the field, like a regional field), :math:`\eta` is the structural index,
and :math:`(x_0, y_0, z_0)` are the coordinates of a point on the source
(for a sphere, this is the center point).
The Euler deconvolution estimates :math:`(x_0, y_0, z_0)` and :math:`b`
given a potential field and its x, y, z derivatives and the structural
index. However, **this assumes that the sources are ideal** (see the table
below). We recommend reading Reid and Thurston (2014) for a discussion on
what the structural index means and what it does not mean.
.. warning::
Please read the paper Reid et al. (2014) to avoid doing **horrible
things** with Euler deconvolution. Uieda et al. (2014) offer a
practical tutorial using Fatiando code and show some common
After Reid et al. (2014), values of the structural index (SI) can be:
===================================== ======== =========
Source type SI (Mag) SI (Grav)
===================================== ======== =========
Point, sphere 3 2
Line, cylinder, thin bed fault 2 1
Thin sheet edge, thin sill, thin dyke 1 0
===================================== ======== =========
Use the :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconv.fit` method to run the
deconvolution. The estimated coordinates :math:`(x_0, y_0, z_0)` are stored
in the ``estimate_`` attribute and the estimated base level :math:`b` is
stored in ``baselevel_``.
.. note::
Using structural index of 0 is not supported yet.
.. note::
The data does **not** need to be gridded for this! So long as you
can calculate the derivatives of non-gridded data (using an Equivalent
Layer, for example).
.. note:: x is North, y is East, and z is down.
.. note::
Units of the input data (x, y, z, field, derivatives) must be in SI
units! Otherwise, the results will be in strange units. Use functions
in :mod:`fatiando.utils` to convert between units.
* x, y, z : 1d-arrays
The x, y, and z coordinates of the observation points
* field : 1d-array
The potential field measured at the observation points
* xderiv, yderiv, zderiv : 1d-arrays
The x-, y-, and z-derivatives of the potential field (measured or
calculated) at the observation points
* index : float
The structural index of the source
Reid, A. B., J. M. Allsop, H. Granser, A. J. Millett, and I. W. Somerton
(1990), Magnetic interpretation in three dimensions using Euler
deconvolution, Geophysics, 55(1), 80-91, doi:`10.1190/1.1442774
Reid, A. B., J. Ebbing, and S. J. Webb (2014), Avoidable Euler Errors – the
use and abuse of Euler deconvolution applied to potential fields,
Geophysical Prospecting, doi:`10.1111/1365-2478.12119
Reid, A., and J. Thurston (2014), The structural index in gravity and
magnetic interpretation: Errors, uses, and abuses, GEOPHYSICS, 79(4),
J61-J66, doi:`10.1190/geo2013-0235.1
Uieda, L., V. C. Oliveira Jr., and V. C. F. Barbosa (2014), Geophysical
tutorial: Euler deconvolution of potential-field data, The Leading Edge,
33(4), 448-450, doi:`10.1190/tle33040448.1
def __init__(self, x, y, z, field, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv,
same_shape = all(i.shape == x.shape
for i in [y, z, field, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv])
assert same_shape, 'All input arrays should have the same shape.'
assert structural_index >= 0, \
"Invalid structural index '{}'. Should be >= 0".format(
data=-x*xderiv - y*yderiv - z*zderiv - structural_index*field,
nparams=4, islinear=True)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.field = field
self.xderiv = xderiv
self.yderiv = yderiv
self.zderiv = zderiv
self.structural_index = structural_index
def jacobian(self, p):
jac = np.empty((self.ndata, self.nparams), dtype=np.float)
jac[:, 0] = -self.xderiv
jac[:, 1] = -self.yderiv
jac[:, 2] = -self.zderiv
jac[:, 3] = -self.structural_index*np.ones(self.ndata)
return jac
def predicted(self, p):
return safe_dot(self.jacobian(p), p)
def baselevel_(self):
assert self.p_ is not None, "No estimates found. Run 'fit' first."
return self.p_[3]
[docs] def fmt_estimate(self, p):
Separate the (x, y, z) point coordinates from the baselevel.
Coordinates are stored in ``estimate_`` and a base level is stored in
return p[:3]
def _cut_window(self, area):
Return a copy of self with only data that falls inside the given area.
Used by the windowed versions of Euler deconvolution.
* area : list = (x1, x2, y1, y2)
The limiting coordinates of the area
* subset
An instance of this class.
x, y = self.x, self.y
x1, x2, y1, y2 = area
indices = ((x >= x1) & (x <= x2) & (y >= y1) & (y <= y2))
slices = [i[indices] for i in [self.x, self.y, self.z, self.field,
self.xderiv, self.yderiv, self.zderiv]]
return EulerDeconv(*slices)
[docs]class EulerDeconvEW(EulerDeconv):
Euler deconvolution using an expanding window scheme.
Uses data inside a window of growing size to perform the Euler
deconvolution. Keeps the best result, judged by the estimated error.
The deconvolution is performed as in
Use the :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconvEW.fit` method to produce
an estimate. The estimated point is stored in the attribute ``estimate_``
and the base level in ``baselevel_``.
* x, y, z : 1d-arrays
The x, y, and z coordinates of the observation points
* field : 1d-array
The potential field measured at the observation points
* xderiv, yderiv, zderiv : 1d-arrays
The x-, y-, and z-derivatives of the potential field (measured or
calculated) at the observation points
* index : float
The structural index of the source
* center : [x, y]
The x, y coordinates of the center of the expanding windows.
* sizes : list or 1d-array
The sizes of the windows.
def __init__(self, x, y, z, field, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv,
structural_index, center, sizes):
super().__init__(x, y, z, field, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv,
self.center = center
self.sizes = sizes
[docs] def fit(self):
Perform the Euler deconvolution with expanding windows.
The estimated point is stored in ``estimate_``, the base level in
xc, yc = self.center
results = []
errors = []
for size in self.sizes:
ds = 0.5*size
window = [xc - ds, xc + ds, yc - ds, yc + ds]
solver = self._cut_window(window).fit()
# Don't really know why dividing by ndata makes this better but it
# does.
cov = safe_inverse(solver.hessian(solver.p_)/solver.ndata)
uncertainty = np.sqrt(safe_diagonal(cov)[0:3])
mean_error = np.linalg.norm(uncertainty)
self.p_ = results[np.argmin(errors)]
return self
[docs]class EulerDeconvMW(EulerDeconv):
Solve an Euler deconvolution problem using a moving window scheme.
Uses data inside a window moving to perform the Euler deconvolution. Keeps
only a top percentage of the estimates from all windows.
The deconvolution is performed as in
Use the :meth:`~fatiando.gravmag.euler.EulerDeconvMW.fit` method to produce
an estimate. The estimated points are stored in ``estimate_`` as a 2D numpy
array. Each line in the array is an [x, y, z] coordinate of a point. The
base levels are stored in ``baselevel_``.
* x, y, z : 1d-arrays
The x, y, and z coordinates of the observation points
* field : 1d-array
The potential field measured at the observation points
* xderiv, yderiv, zderiv : 1d-arrays
The x-, y-, and z-derivatives of the potential field (measured or
calculated) at the observation points
* index : float
The structural index of the source
* windows : (ny, nx)
The number of windows in the y and x directions
* size : (dy, dx)
The size of the windows in the y and x directions
* keep : float
Decimal percentage of solutions to keep. Will rank the solutions by
increasing error and keep only the first *keep* percent.
def __init__(self, x, y, z, field, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv,
structural_index, windows, size, keep=0.2):
super().__init__(x, y, z, field, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv,
self.windows = windows
self.size = size
self.keep = keep
self.window_centers = self._get_window_centers()
def _get_window_centers(self):
Calculate the center coordinates of the windows.
Based on the data stored in the given Euler Deconvolution solver.
* centers : list
List of [x, y] coordinate pairs for the center of each window.
ny, nx = self.windows
dy, dx = self.size
x, y = self.x, self.y
x1, x2, y1, y2 = x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()
centers = []
xmidpoints = np.linspace(x1 + 0.5 * dx, x2 - 0.5 * dx, nx)
ymidpoints = np.linspace(y1 + 0.5 * dy, y2 - 0.5 * dy, ny)
for yc in ymidpoints:
for xc in xmidpoints:
centers.append([xc, yc])
return centers
[docs] def fit(self):
Perform the Euler deconvolution on a moving window.
The estimated points are stored in ``estimate_``, the base levels in
dy, dx = self.size
paramvecs = []
estimates = []
baselevels = []
errors = []
# Thank you Saulinho for the solution!
# Calculate the mid-points of the windows
for xc, yc in self.window_centers:
window = [xc - 0.5 * dx, xc + 0.5 * dx,
yc - 0.5 * dy, yc + 0.5 * dy]
solver = self._cut_window(window).fit()
cov = safe_inverse(solver.hessian(solver.p_))
uncertainty = np.sqrt(safe_diagonal(cov)[0:3])
mean_error = np.linalg.norm(uncertainty)
best = np.argsort(errors)[:int(self.keep * len(errors))]
self.p_ = np.array(paramvecs)[best]
return self
def baselevel_(self):
assert self.p_ is not None, "No estimates found. Run 'fit' first."
return self.p_[:, 3]
[docs] def fmt_estimate(self, p):
Separate the (x, y, z) point coordinates from the baselevel.
Coordinates are stored in ``estimate_`` and a base level is stored in
return p[:, :3]