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Source code for fatiando.datasets

Load datasets from the internet.


Load and convert the `CRUST2.0 global crustal model
<>`_ (Bassin et al., 2000).

* :func:`~fatiando.datasets.fetch_crust2`: Download the .tar.gz archive with
  the model from the website
* :func:`~fatiando.datasets.crust2_to_tesseroids`: Convert the CRUST2.0 model
  to tesseroids

**Sample data**

Download a `Bouguer anomaly map of Alps (EGM 2008 model)
<>`_ in Surfer ASCII grid file format.

* :func:``: Download the .grd archive with
  the Bouguer anomaly of Alps (EGM 2008 model) from the website


Bassin, C., Laske, G. and Masters, G., The Current Limits of Resolution for
Surface Wave Tomography in North America, EOS Trans AGU, 81, F897, 2000.

import urllib
import tarfile

import numpy

from . import gridder
from .mesher import Tesseroid

[docs]def fetch_crust2(fname='crust2.tar.gz'): """ Download the CRUST2.0 model from Parameters: * fname : str The name that the archive file will be saved when downloaded Returns: * fname : str The downloaded file name """ urllib.urlretrieve('', filename=fname) return fname
[docs]def crust2_to_tesseroids(fname): """ Convert the CRUST2.0 model to tesseroids. Opens the .tar.gz archive and converts the model to :class:`fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid`. Each tesseroid will have its ``props`` set to the apropriate Vp, Vs and density. The CRUST2.0 model includes 7 layers: ice, water, soft sediments, hard sediments, upper crust, middle curst and lower crust. It also includes the mantle below the Moho. The mantle portion is not included in this conversion because there is no way to place a bottom on it. Parameters: * fname : str Name of the model .tar.gz archive (see :func:``) Returns: * model : list of :class:`fatiando.mesher.Tesseroid` The converted model """ archive =, 'r:gz') # First get the topography and bathymetry information topogrd = _crust2_get_topo(archive) # Now make a dict with the codec for each type code codec = _crust2_get_codec(archive) # Get the type codes with the actual model types = _crust2_get_types(archive) # Convert to tesseroids size = 2 lons = numpy.arange(-180, 180, size) lats = numpy.arange(90, -90, -size) # This is how lats are in the file model = [] for i in xrange(len(lats)): for j in xrange(len(lons)): t = types[i][j] top = topogrd[i][j] for layer in xrange(7): if codec[t]['thickness'][layer] == 0: continue w, e, s, n = lons[j], lons[j] + size, lats[i] - size, lats[i] bottom = top - codec[t]['thickness'][layer] props = {'density': codec[t]['density'][layer], 'vp': codec[t]['vp'][layer], 'vs': codec[t]['vs'][layer]} model.append(Tesseroid(w, e, s, n, top, bottom, props)) top = bottom return model
def _crust2_get_topo(archive): """ Fetch the matrix of topography and bathymetry from the CRUST2.0 archive. """ f = archive.extractfile('./CNelevatio2.txt') topogrd = numpy.loadtxt(f, skiprows=1)[:, 1:] return topogrd def _crust2_get_types(archive): """ Fetch a matrix with the type code for each 2x2 degree cell. """ f = archive.extractfile('./CNtype2.txt') typegrd = numpy.loadtxt(f, dtype=numpy.str, skiprows=1)[:, 1:] return typegrd def _crust2_get_codec(archive): """ Fetch the type code traslation codec from the archive and convert it to a dict. """ f = archive.extractfile('./CNtype2_key.txt') # Skip the first 5 lines which are the header lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()[5:] if l.strip()] # Each type code is 5 lines: code, vp, vs, density, thickness codec = {} for i in xrange(len(lines) / 5): code = lines[i * 5][:2] # Get the values and convert them to SI units vp = [float(v) * 1000 for v in lines[i * 5 + 1].split()] vs = [float(v) * 1000 for v in lines[i * 5 + 2].split()] density = [float(v) * 1000 for v in lines[i * 5 + 3].split()] # Skip the last thickness because it is an inf indicating the mantle thickness = [float(v) * 1000 for v in lines[i * 5 + 4].split()[:7]] codec[code] = {'vp': vp, 'vs': vs, 'density': density, 'thickness': thickness} return codec
[docs]def fetch_bouguer_alps_egm(fname='bouguer_alps_egm08.grd'): """ Download the Bouguer anomaly of Alps (EGM 2008 model) in Surfer ASCII grid file format from Parameters: * fname : str The name that the archive file will be saved when downloaded Returns: * fname : str The downloaded file name """ urllib.urlretrieve('' '948b0acbadb18e6ad49efe2092d9d9518b247780/' 'bouguer_alps_egm08.grd', filename=fname) return fname