The fatiando package has been deprecated. Please check out the new tools in the Fatiando a Terra website:

Source code for fatiando

The ``fatiando`` package contains all the subpackages and modules required for
most tasks.

Modules for each geophysical method are group in subpackages:

* :mod:`gravmag <fatiando.gravmag>`:
  Gravity and magnetics (i.e., potential fields)
* :mod:`seismic <fatiando.seismic>`:
  Seismics and seismology
* :mod:`geothermal <fatiando.geothermal>`:
  Geothermal heat transfer modeling

Modules for gridding, meshing, visualization, etc:

* :mod:`mesher <fatiando.mesher>`:
  Mesh generation and definition of geometric elements
* :mod:`gridder <fatiando.gridder>`:
  Grid generation and operations (e.g., interpolation)
* :mod:`vis <fatiando.vis>`:
  Plotting utilities for 2D (using matplotlib) and 3D (using mayavi)
* :mod:`datasets <fatiando.datasets>`:
  Fetch and load datasets and models from web repositories
* :mod:`utils <fatiando.utils>`:
  Miscelaneous utilities, like mathematical functions, unit conversion, etc
* :mod:`~fatiando.constants`:
  Physical constants and unit conversions

Also included is the :mod:`fatiando.inversion` package with utilities for
implementing inverse problems. There you'll find ready to use regularization,
optimization methods, and templates to implement new inversion methods.

Inversions implemented in Fatiando leverage :mod:`fatiando.inversion`,
providing a common interface and usage patters. For examples, see modules

The design of :mod:`fatiando.inversion` was inspired by `scikit-learn`_, an
amazing machine-learning library.

.. _scikit-learn:


from ._version import get_versions
__version__ = get_versions()['version']
__commit__ = get_versions()['full']
del get_versions

[docs]def test(doctest=True, verbose=False, coverage=False): """ Run the test suite for Fatiando a Terra. Uses `py.test <>`__ to discover and run the tests. If you haven't already, you can install it with `conda <>`__ or `pip <>`__. Parameters: * doctest : bool If ``True``, will run the doctests as well (code examples that start with a ``>>>`` in the docs). * verbose : bool If ``True``, will print extra information during the test run. * coverage : bool If ``True``, will run test coverage analysis on the code as well. Requires ``pytest-cov``. Returns: * exit_code : int The exit code for the test run. If ``0``, then all tests pass. """ import pytest args = [] if verbose: args.append('-v') if coverage: args.append('--cov=fatiando') args.append('--cov-report') args.append('term-missing') if doctest: args.append('--doctest-modules') args.append('--pyargs') args.append('fatiando') return pytest.main(args)